Town of Sharon

Community Preservation Committee

Minutes of 10/30/08

Amended and Approved on 12/11/08


Committee Attendees

Corey Snow - Chair

Allen Garf

George Bailey - Treasurer

Jane Desberg

Arnold Cohen  - Clerk 

Susan Rich  - absent

Betsy McGrath







Chair’s Report

Chair Snow read the Chair’s Report. He welcomed new CPC member Elizabeth McGrath from the Conservation Commission replacing Peg Arguimbau.


He reported that the Water Department is working on the roof, they completed brick repointing and window replacement. . An invoice for $39,450 from Dunn Construction for this work was signed by the Committee and submitted for payment.


Treasurer’s Report

Mr. Bailey provided an update to the State-wide association dues spreadsheet he prepared to include the Mass Council on Aging dues at $333.00. Mr. Bailey prepared this spreadsheet even though he has conceded that the Committee has joined the Community Preservation Coalition. The Committee signed the Community Preservation Coalition membership invoice for $1,500.00. Mr. Bailey iterated that he is opposed to joining the Coalition because it does not allow the members to participate in decision making. Mr., Bailey wants Mr. Snow to request budget and policy information for the election procedures followed by The Community Preservation Coalition.


With reference to CP funding from the State, Mr.Bailey reported that the actual match was 2.5% higher than originally counted on. It is 67 6/10%. $597,561 is the contribution for this year.


Mr. Snow reported that the CP funds are put into separate interest bearing bank accounts. A conversation ensued as to whether there may be a better vehicle for the money. Mr. Garf asked if the debt should be paid down with the interests earned. Mr. Snow said during these economic times, it may not be a good time to change.  


Meeting Minutes

Mr. Cohen moved to accept the minutes of 9/25/08 as amended. Ms. Desberg seconded the motion and the Committee voted 4-0-2 (McGrath and Garf)


CPC Bylaw Wording Changes

A t the 9/25/08 meeting, Ms. Arguimbau suggested the addition of several new sections as well as a reorganization of the CPC bylaw for better flow. Mr. Bailey provided these changes to the Committee for their review. Mr. Garf moved to accept the CPC Bylaws as presented on 10/30/08 with the amended changes. Ms. McGrath seconded the motion. The Committee voted 6-0-0 ion favor of the motion.  Mr. Bailey will reprint the Bylaws, date them and provide to the webmaster for input to the website.


Officer Elections

Mr. Snow suggested postponing officer elections until the full Committee is present.


Charter Commission Survey

The Committee discussed the Charter Commission Survey that Mr. Snow had completed. The group discussed each answer and amended the responses as needed after deep conversation. Mr. Snow said he will update the changes and circulate a new copy to the Committee for review. The Survey was prepared by a consensus of the Committee.


New Project Suggestions

Mr. Snow stated there may be an application from Housing coming down the path. The group had discussed Historic documents and Camp Gannett may be brought about in the spring.


Next Meeting



Meeting Adjournment

Mr. Garf moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 pm and Mr. Cohen seconded the motion. The Committee voted 6-0-0.